An International Geocaching Series
A series of geocaches placed at or near curry houses or take-aways.
The series can be added to by any geocacher by applying for a series number.

The chefs at Curry Central are very excited about our second international CM having been published in Malaysia.
Also, the very first Curry Micro has been re-heated - visit GC98KTE and claim a reward for your profile page.
Introducing our finest menu options for your selection
Onion Barjee - Onion flavored batter ball
Vegitable Samosa - Vegables in a samosa
Spicy Soap - wash your mouth out with this spicy delicacy
Specialities of the House
Tandoori Mixed Grill - meat, meat and more meat
Chicken Tikka Masala - the nation's favourite
Lamb Vindaloo - it's a bit fiery
Side Dishes
Bombay Potato - no meal is complete without at least one potato dish
Chips - chips
Chana Baaaaji - chick peas served with mint sauce
Kulfi - indian ice cream - ask your waiter for a choice of flavors
Apple Pie - Mr Kipling's finest of course